How Does Roof Cleaning Improve Energy Efficiency?

Roof Cleaning

Just how does a roof cleaning service save you money? Bacteria called Gloeocapsa Magma grows on roofing, where it eats the limestone in your shingles. The limestone is responsible for helping your home deflect heat from the sun. But if the limestone is disappears, your roof soaks up all of the heat. This means that…

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How to Get 10+ Years More From Your Roof

Roof Cleaning After

If you’re faced with a roof replacement project, you’re about to spend an average of $12,000. The alternative? Get the most out of your current shingles with roof cleaning – and put off that replacement project for another decade. Roof cleaning uses soft washing to remove algae, mildew, mold, and Gloeocapsa Magma, the bacteria that…

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5 Ways to Get Better Curb Appeal

Greenville SC House Washing

Looking to spruce up your property this spring? Here are five foolproof tips to kick off a beautiful first impression: Give your front door a fresh coat of paint Hire a house washing service to remove mold, algae, and stains from your siding Plant tulips, sunflowers, or other springtime blooms Stick to a regular lawncare…

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Soft Washing: The Best Fit for Your Roof

Roof Cleaning

Picture this: You’re about to water your flowers. Would you set the nozzle to full pressure, or would you instead opt for a gentle, steady stream? The same concept applies to your roof. Spare your shingles extreme force… Otherwise, you’ll find that become the victim of cracked material, water damage, and mold issues. Our soft…

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How to Treat Your Roof Right

Roof Cleaning

We weed our gardens, mow our lawn, and wash our cars – so it makes sense that our roofs should receive the same kind of maintenance. An annual soft washing service is the best way to protect your roof from wear and tear. When you have professionals take the lead, they’ll be able to keep…

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A Vision for Your Home

house washing

Picture your perfect home. What comes to mind? Although everyone’s vision is unique, one thing holds true – it’s yours and it’s beautiful. Preferred Soft Wash provides customers with house cleaning services that expand the possibilities for your home exterior. Because why settle for anything that ever looks less than “just like new?” Our House…

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3 Signs that It’s Time for Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning

Wondering whether it’s time to book an appointment for your roof cleaning service? Here are three instant giveaways: Black streaks from Gloeocapsa Magma, a bacteria that eats your shingles Lichen and algae, which erodes roofing quality Moss, which can cause shingle rot If you see any of these things cropping up on your roof, schedule…

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Roof Replacement vs. Roof Cleaning

Greenville SC Roof Washing

Which would you rather spend: $10,000, or $300? Many customers don’t realize that they have an alternative to that 5-digit roof replacement project. It’s called roof cleaning! A simple service from professionals can protect your roof for a decade or longer, so you can keep money in the bank and a roof over your head.…

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