4 Hazards of Dirty Gutters

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Spoiler alert: Your gutters aren’t a decorative asset to your property, and they’re not an afterthought. They’re a key part of your investment – and their maintenance should always be a top priority!


The risk of dirty gutters

When they’re functioning properly, your gutters are the bread and butter of your home. They keep your investment safe no matter what the weather.

But when they’re dirty? That’s another story. Dirty gutters result in:

  • Flooding
    When your gutters are clogged, rainwater goes down your roof, over your gutters, and settles around your foundation. And you wake up to the unwelcome surprise of a seriously flooded basement.
  • Landscaping damage
    When rainwater gathers under your gutters, it means that your landscaping is at risk. Excessive rainwater floods out the area.
  • Water damage
    Chronic exposure to moisture is bad for your roofing, your siding, your windows, and your soffits. In addition to dirty gutters, you might find yourself with a side of exterior decay.
  • Insect issues
    Mosquitoes love standing water. And a gutter filled with rainwater and organic matter creates the perfect environment for them to lay eggs.

Dirty gutters are a simple fix when you have support from licensed professionals. Get a simple, impactful result from the experts at Preferred Soft Wash!

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